‘Japanese investor bought land to build wildlife corridor in Kinabatangan’

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Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew (right) receiving a souvenir from Consulate General of Indonesia in Kota Kinabalu Consul (Economic Function) Lingga Setiawan during a stopover at their booth. – NSTP/Paul Mu

By Paul Mu – April 27, 2024 @ 6:29pm


KOTA KINABALU: A Japanese investor has expressed interest in building a wildlife corridor in Kinabatangan.

Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew said the investor is a wildlife lover.

“He has bought land to expand the wildlife corridor,” said Liew at the opening of the three-day Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (Matta) Fair at the Sabah International Convention Centre.

She said the investor wanted to protect wildlife and nature in Sabah.

“We are happy to work with him. The Sabah Tourism Board will go to Japan to meet the individual for further communication.

“We want the project to be implemented to add another spot for tour and travel agencies to promote.

“We hope to see the project materialise next year. We need to work out a mechanism.”

She said the corridor will prevent elephants from encroaching on plantations and will make it easier for tourists to spot the pachyderms.

She said the Sabah Tourism Board was focusing on promoting Mount Trusmadi, the second highest mountain in Sabah and Malaysia.

“They are planning to organise a race up the mountain.”

She called on all tourism stakeholders, as well as the Eastern Sabah Security Command, police and airlines, to hold a dialogue every quarter to foster better understanding and to improve the tourism sector.

She said the number of booths at the Matta Fair in Sabah rose to 90 this year, a good sign that the tour and travel sector is active and growing.

“There is a lot of demand for good deals and tickets. The sector is active and moving.”

She said Matta Fair had contributed to tourist arrivals in the state, totalling 532,277 in January and February, involving RM1.2 billion in tourism receipts.

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