Mr Daan Wensing, CEO of IDH planting a tree at SPnCA.
The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) CEO, Mr Daan Wensing visited Sg Pin Conservation Area (SPnCA) on 18th April 2024. He was accompanied by Ms Chi Tran the regional director of Asian landscapes and Asia Palm oil lead in IDH, Ms Allie Subramaniam the Deputy Country Manager (Malaysia), and Mr Dillon Sarim the Landscapes Program Manager (Malaysia). The visit was a first by the CEO to SPnCA with the main objectives to experience the site and look at the project’s success and updates, which ended in December 2023. The visit was also to meet with the local stakeholders for future engagement, especially on the Community Hub development. The meeting was also attended by representatives from the Sabah Wildlife Department (Kinabatangan), Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) heads from Kg Batu Puteh, Kg Mengaris, and Kg Paris as well as the women’s groups of the respective KRTs representing the local communities.
We had a very exciting and fruitful discussion with IDH team on the Community Hub concept and development. We look forward for future collaboration with IDH on this work.

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