Binuang (Octomeles sumatrana)


Octomeles[2] is a monotypic genus of plant in family Tetramelaceae. The sole species is Octomeles sumatrana,[3][4] sometimes written O. sumatranum.[5]

Octomeles sumatrana, commonly called Benuang, or Ilimo, is found in BruneiIndonesiaMalaysiaPapua New Guinea, the Philippines, and the Solomon Islands. It and Tetrameles nudiflora are the only two species in the family Tetramelaceae. They were previously classified in the Datiscaceae but found genetically to not form a natural clade with the other members of that family.[6]

The tree is dioecious and large: reaching up to 75 m (246 ft) in height and up to thirteen feet (four meters) in diameter above the buttresses.[7] A pioneer species, it regenerates quickly in disturbed habitats such as logged forest and previously cultivated land. It has been known to grow as much as 82 feet (25 meters) in height and up to 18.5 inches (0.47 meters) diameter at breast height (DBH) in just four years,[8][9] equivalent to annual rings 2.3 inches (six centimeters) wide. Also, like other pioneer species, it is relatively short lived; even the emergent titans rarely exceeding 85 years of age.[10] It also has noteworthy buttresses; up to 19.5 feet (six meters) high by up to forty-nine feet (15 meters) in length.[11] On Bougainville the buttresses take a different form; higher and narrower, up to 52 feet (16 meters) in height while only 18 feet (5.5 meters) in length.[12]

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How Does It Work


Select tree and make payment.


CBU prepare for tree planting.


Tree is being planted.


Certificate is prepared.


Confirmation email will be delivered.

An automated email is sent out upon the purchase of trees to confirm your order. After the trees have been planted (in 4 weeks or less), an email containing the following will be sent out :

  1. One e-certificate
  2. One photograph per unit & GPS coordinates of the plot where the tree was planted on
  3. One year maintenance care for your planted tree