Ara manggis (Ficus Crassiramea)


Ficus crassiramea is a species of  in the family Moraceae.

Ecology: At Krau in W. Malaysia, Lambert (1990) found that the fig fruit were eaten by hornbills, langurs, squirrels, binturongs and giant flying squirrels. On the Kinabatangan the ripe figs attracted three species of hornbills,  Green Imperial Pigeons, Hill Mynas and Long-tailed Macaques.

F.crassiramea is the most common large strangler of the Kinabatangan flood plain forest.


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How Does It Work


Select tree and make payment.


CBU prepare for tree planting.


Tree is being planted.


Certificate is prepared.


Confirmation email will be delivered.

An automated email is sent out upon the purchase of trees to confirm your order. After the trees have been planted (in 4 weeks or less), an email containing the following will be sent out :

  1. One e-certificate
  2. One photograph per unit & GPS coordinates of the plot where the tree was planted on
  3. One year maintenance care for your planted tree