

Kinabalu Beef Diiktiraf Halal

KOTA KINABALU: Sawit Kinabalu Farm Products Sdn Bhd (SKFP), sebuah anak syarikat Kumpulan Sawit Kinabalu telah menerima pengiktirafan sijil pengesahan Halal daripada Majlis Ugama Islam Sabah (MUIS) bagi produk syarikat tersebut iaitu Kinabalu Beef. Penyerahan sijil pengesahan Halal tersebut telah…

Environmental Education – Learning How To Protect Nature

As part of the Strengthening Production, Protection and Inclusion (PPI) Activities of Sawit Kinabalu Project under IDH-the sustainable trade initiative, 13 participants from Sawit Kinabalu’s different operational units i.e. Conservation & Biodiversity Unit, ARAS Sandakan, Ladang Seberang, and Ladang Bagahak…

Jawala Plantation Industries Sdn Bhd Work Visit

Work visit to Jawala Plantation Industries Sdn. Bhd. (JPISB) License area headed by the Controller of Plantation & Agri Business II, Mr Khairul Azhan Othman together with the Sustainability Division General Manager, Mr Nazlan Mohamad and the Conservation & Biodiversity…

Selamat Bersara Datuk Haji Bacho Jansie

Kumpulan Sawit Kinabalu mengucapkan selamat bersara kepada YBhg. Datuk Haji Bacho Jansie mulai 12 Oktober 2023. Semoga beliau sentiasa diberi kesihatan yang baik dan berpanjangan oleh Allah SWT serta dimurahkan rezeki dan berbahagia bersama keluarga tercinta. Terima kasih, selamat bersara…

Asia Sustainable Palm Oil Conference (ASPOC) 2023

Credit: Sg Pin Conservation Area Facebook Page On October 5th, the Sustainability Division General Manager, Mr Nazlan Mohamad represented Sawit Kinabalu at The Asia Sustainable Palm Oil Conference (ASPOC) 2023 with the theme scaling up landscape approaches with smallholders in…