Insights from the 2nd SPnCA Scientific Expedition

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Yeahhh It’s a wrap! The 2nd SPnCA Scientific Expedition, conducted in collaboration with the Forest Research Centre (FRC), SFD, was successfully held from the 24th to 27th September 2024, with 49 personnel from FRC participating. This expedition aligns with the SPnCA Conservation Area Management Plan (CAMP) objectives, which aims to monitor the biodiversity changes in the area every five years.

This year’s expedition focused on eight (8) key research areas: Forest Ecosystem; Flora; Mammals; bird diversity; Social Studies; Forest Cover; Soil Survey (a new addition this year) and Insect Diversity

Forest Ecosystem Team

Forest Cover Team

Wildlife Team (Fish Diversity)

Bird Diversity Team

Soil Survey Team

Social Study Team

Wildlife Team (Mammal) and Insect Diversity Team

We are hopeful for the results and findings from this expedition. Over the past few years, the Conservation and Biodiversity Unit (CBU) has made significant efforts to conserve this critical area. We hope the data collected will show positive progress, reinforcing the importance of ongoing protection and sustainable management of SPnCA.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Forest Research Centre (FRC) for their invaluable efforts and assistance in making the 2nd SPnCA Scientific Expedition a resounding success, not forgetting the hard work of CBU’s staff and workers. Your dedication and expertise were instrumental in achieving the expedition’s goals, and we deeply appreciate your continued support in advancing conservation efforts at SPnCA. Thank you once again for your collaboration and commitment!

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