MAEPS, SELANGOR: The Malaysian Agricultural, Horticultural and Agro-Tourism (MAHA) 2024 exhibition has marked a remarkable centenary this year, celebrating 100 years of agricultural excellence and innovation of Malaysia. This year’s MAHA event transformed the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS) into a vibrant hub where agriculture enthusiasts, industry professionals, and families came together to celebrate the richness of Malaysian agriculture.
At MAHA 2024, businesses, whether budding or well-established, showcased their innovations across pavilions representing the unique cultures of Malaysia’s diverse states. From the lively Sabah Pavilion to the award-winning colourful Perak Pavilion, each space told its own story which makes the exhibition a feast for the senses and a celebration of unity in diversity of Malaysia.
This year’s event highlighted Sawit Kinabalu Group’s eco-tourism initiative, branded as “ConserveByU“ at Sg Pin Conservation Area, showcasing the group’s strong commitment to sustainability and innovation. Key units from the group, including the Conservation and Biodiversity Unit, Sawit Kinabalu Seeds Sdn. Bhd., and the Corporate Communication Unit, collaborated to create a dynamic and engaging presence at the Sabah Pavilion.

The Sabah Pavilion was officially launched on the 14th September 2024, by Sabah’s Deputy Chief Minister, YB Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan. The following days were marked by notable visits from esteemed dignitaries, including:-

- On 19th September, the Sabah Pavilion welcomed YB Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, YB Datuk Samad Jambri, the State Assistant Minister of Rural Development of Sabah, YB Datuk Andi Muhammad Suryady bin Bandy, the State Assistant Minister of Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship of Sabah, and YB Datuk Seri Panglima Sr. Haji Safar bin Untong, the Sabah State Government Secretary who took the time to engage with the exhibitors and learn about the innovative practices showcased.

- The excitement continued on 20th September when YB Datuk Seri Haji Mohamad bin Sabu, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, visited the Sabah Pavilion, exploring Sabahan’s unique offerings and supporting local initiatives.

- Finally, on 21st September, the Sabah Pavilion was graced with the presence of His Excellency Tuan Yang Terutama Tun Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Juhar bin Datuk Haji Mahiruddin, the Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sabah followed by YBhg. Datuk Zainudin Bin Aman, the Director of Sabah State Public Service which further emphasized the importance of agriculture in the state’s development.

As MAHA 2024 drew to a close, we extend heartfelt congratulations to all the dedicated staff of the Sawit Kinabalu Group involved in this significant event. Together, they have made this exhibition a resounding success, and their efforts will undoubtedly inspire future innovations in the industry.

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