Astrotourism Training by Dark Sky Malaysia

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From the 2nd to 4th of August 2024, the CBU Team together with our conservation partner KOPEL BHD underwent a training program on astrotourism conducted by Dark Sky Malaysia. The training was facilitated by Mr. Muhd Luqmanul Hakim, Emma Zulaiha Zulkifli, and Mr. Daim. It is part of the unit’s efforts to explore new potential tourism products at SPnCA through astrotourism.

The 3 days 2 nights program included:

• Introduction to Astro Tourism and Dark Sky Tourism: Understanding the basics and significance of dark sky and astrotourism.

• Introduction to Celestial Objects: Learning about various celestial objects.

• Mobile Phone Astrophotography: Techniques for capturing celestial objects using mobile phones.

• Celestial Objects in Local Folklore: Group presentations and discussions on how celestial phenomena are integrated into local folklore.

• Usage of Constellations, Sun, Moon, and Meteor Shower Phenomena: Exploring how these phenomena can be used in astrotourism.

• On-Site Practical at Bukit Pongo: Practical stargazing sessions at Bukit Pongo, a site identified as having potential for stargazing in SPnCA.

• Introduction to Sky Observation Tools: Learning about tools used for observing celestial objects.

During the on-site practical at Bukit Pongo, the Dark Sky Team assessed the location using the Bortle Classification. Bukit Pongo was identified as Bortle Class 2, indicating an excellent quality night sky with minimal light pollution. The Bortle scale measures the brightness of the night sky on a scale of 1 to 9, with Class 9 representing the highest level of light pollution and Class 1 being the darkest, most pristine skies. This assessment highlights Bukit Pongo’s excellent potential for astro tourism.

Among others, the training aims to promote astro tourism and provide the unit’s staff and workers with the knowledge and skills needed to guide astro tourism activities once established at SPnCA.

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