Pangolin Conservation in the Kinabatangan: A Workshop On Awareness And Action At KOPEL BHD

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Madam Rashidah and Mr Blasius from the Conservation Unit participated in the fourth (4th) series of the Pangolin Workshop in Kinabatangan on the 23rd Jan 2024 at KOPEL BHD which was organised by LEAP and Pangolin Aware in collaboration with Sabah Wildlife Department (Kinabatangan). Their participation was very timely as pangolin is a target species that the Unit is planning to include in its Green List Natural Values. The workshop was also participated by FGV, Hap Seng Plantation, Global Agri-Services Sdn Bhd, Genting Plantations Bhd representing the plantation sector, DGFC, SFD, SWD, and one representing the ecotourism sector from Sukau Rainforest Lodge.

Expected outcomes from the workshop include a workshop report and materials on pangolin rescues, and potentially an event to commemorate World Pangolin Day in February 2024 to be held in Kinabatangan. The workshop’s main objective was to gather the inputs and feedback from the different agencies for the preparation of the State Pangolin Action Plan.




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