Saraya Co Ltd Japan Visit

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Date: 24th and 25th November 2023

Venue: Gomantong Estate, Sepagaya Mill and Sg Pin Conservation Area

Arigato gozaimasu to Saraya Co Ltd Japan for visiting our Estate in Gomantong, our mill in Sepagaya and to our conservation area in Sg Pin Conservation Area (SPnCA) this week. The team from Saraya was led by Mr Nabuo Nakanishi together with six (6) others. The visit this time was for them to learn about the oil palm business and operations of Sawit Kinabalu from the plantation to the mill and Sawit Kinabalu Conservation Initiatives.

We hope they had a fruitful visit and have gained a lot of knowledge about Sawit Kinabalu. Thank you and we look forward to another opportunity to host the team from Saraya again in the future.

Follow our Facebook page to see more photos of the event.

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