Frequently Asked Questions

Location of your planted tree/s

Our current habitat enhancement project is focused on the Sg Pin Conservation Area in Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia. This is where the trees you donate will be planted, directly contributing to the restoration of the degraded forest habitat there.

How will my tree(s) be planted?

Your trees will be planted by our team of trained rangers, recruited from the communities surrounding the Conservation Area.

Is my tree growing well?

Our highly trained rangers will provide expert care for all planted trees for one year, maximizing their chance of reaching full maturity.

What do I get from my contribution?

When you contribute to our Kinabatangan planting efforts, it’s like giving a valuable gift to the area. As a token of our thanks, we’ll send you a digital certificate that includes a photo of the trees you helped plant and their GPS coordinates, so you can always find them.

How can I get updates on my tree’s progress?

Stay connected! Follow us on social media (Facebook, Telegram, and YouTube) for regular project updates. We’ll also send you a photo of your tree after one year of growth. Prefer a hands-on experience? Visit us at the Conservation Area and see your tree firsthand!

How do I make a payment to purchase a tree?

You can purchase through our ConserveByU Mall page, and choose the type (species of trees and number) you’d like to plant. Ready to complete your order? Just head over to checkout and follow the easy payment steps.

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