

The Elephants Of Kinabatangan

By: Naziah Nawawie – August, 10 2023 Borneo offers a degree of biodiversity unmatched anywhere else on the earth and is home to the oldest rainforest in the world. Despite being extensively damaged by deforestation over the previous 50 years,…

Sawit Kinabalu Berjaya Tanam Lebih 36 Ribu Pokok

Setakat Jun 2023, 36,000 pokok pelbagai jenis telah berjaya ditanam oleh Sawit Kinabalu meliputi semua ladang seliaannya di seluruh negeri Sabah bagi menjayakan Program Penghijauan Malaysia yang telah dilancarkan pada tahun 2021.

Apas Balung Plantation’s Journey Towards RSPO

Join our video tour to Apas Balung Estate and Plantation in Tawau, Sabah and learn how oil palm plantations can be managed more sustainably. WWF through the Sustainable Oil Palm Team (SPOT) under the Sabah Landscape Programme has been working…