The Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) Delegation Visits SPnCA to Strengthen Conservation and Sustainability Efforts

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KINABATANGAN: Sawit Kinabalu Group were honored to host a distinguished delegation from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) led by the its Director General, Datuk Dr Ahmad Parveez Hj Ghulam Khadir together with delegation from FXA Solutions led by its CEO, Dato’ Seri Ivan Teh at CBU Office in Sungai Pin Conservation Area (SPnCA), as part of their visit to explore sustainable palm oil practices and biodiversity conservation initiatives. SKG was led by the Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Victor Ationg.

The visit commenced with an introductory session, where the CBU presented an overview of SPnCA’s conservation programs, nature-based activities, and ongoing efforts to protect the area’s rich biodiversity. This session highlighted SPnCA’s role as a hub for ecological research and a potential destination for eco-tourism and community engagement.

The visit concluded with an engaging dialogue between MPOB representatives and SKG team, reinforcing the shared commitment to environmental stewardship. This meaningful exchange laid the groundwork for future partnerships aimed at advancing sustainable practices and enhancing biodiversity conservation efforts in Sabah.

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