Sawit Kinabalu Signs Landmark 5-Year Research Agreement to Boost Conservation at Sg Pin Conservation Area

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Group Managing Director (GMD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sawit Kinabalu Group, Datuk Victor Ationg, presents a token of appreciation to Prof. Benoit Goossens, Director of Danau Girang Field Centre.

Sawit Kinabalu Group (SKG) has signed a landmark five-year Research Agreement with Danau Girang Research and Conservation Bhd to enhance biodiversity and environmental monitoring in the 2,632-hectare Sg Pin Conservation Area (SPnCA) in Kinabatangan. SPnCA is a critical biodiversity corridor, supporting endangered species such as the Bornean orangutan, Sunda Pangolin, Leopard Cat, and Flat-headed Cat. This collaboration aims to safeguard these species, improve ecological understanding, and generate valuable data for long-term conservation strategies using techniques like camera trapping and telemetry.

Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) of Sawit Kinabalu Group, Nazlan Mohamad on behalf of Sawit Kinabalu Group, and the Director of Danau Girang Research Centre, Prof. Benoit Goossens.

© All photos are credited to the Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility Unit of Sawit Kinabalu


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