Silviculture Training Program by Forest Research Centre (FRC) at SPnCA

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KINABATANGAN, SABAH: From September 10 to 12, 2024, a three-day silviculture training program was organized by the Conservation and Biodiversity Unit (CBU) in collaboration with the Forest Research Centre (FRC). The training gathered participants from various conservation groups, including the Danau Girang Field Centre (DGFC) and Bringing Back Our Rare Animal (BORA).

Day 1
The focus was on plant taxonomy and the fundamentals of silviculture, with particular emphasis on Dipterocarpaceae and Aquilaria species. Participants also engaged in practical field demonstrations on nursery management.

Day 2
Advanced silvicultural techniques, as well as the application of remote sensing (RS) and GIS technology, were covered. Attendees participated in hands-on activities using tools for forest monitoring and data collection.

Day 3
The final day centered on ecological census methods at the Permanent Sample Plot (PSP). Participants practiced setting up plots, measuring trees, and collecting ecological data at Mansuli Hill.

The training equipped participants with essential skills for sustainable forestry management and ecological monitoring, reinforcing a shared commitment to conservation. A special thanks to the Forest Research Centre (FRC) team for their efforts in making this Silviculture Training a success.

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