Embark on a Jungle Odyssey: An Exclusive Exploration of Bagahak Ecological Corridor with WWF-Malaysia

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On the 30th of August 2024, we had the privilege of hosting WWF-Malaysia’s for an exclusive jungle odyssey to the Sawit Kinabalu Bagahak Ecological Corridor, located at Bagahak 1 Estate, Lahad Datu. Led by the esteemed Dr. Faisal Mohd Noor, this event offered our invited guests a rare opportunity to experience the beauty and significance of one of Sabah’s critical conservation areas.

Among the distinguished guests were WWF-Malaysia Chairman Tan Sri Wahid Omar and his wife, Puan Sri Kay Roserina, Mdm Shanthi Kandiah (WWF-Malaysia Trustee) and founder of SK Chambers, Mdm Loo Chee Leng & Mr Bryan Yeow of Loob Holdings and children, Mr. Vincent Perez, founding trustee, Madam Maria Adora Perez, Governor of WWF-Australia and former chairman of WWF-Philippines, Mr. Charlie Yu, CEO of Empire East Land Holdings and his sons, Dato’ Gan Tack Kong, Executive Chairman of Ngan Yin Food Industries Sdn Bhd & Miss Anita Phang, former Miss Malaysia along with WWF-Malaysia CEO Mdm Sophia Lim and the WWF-Malaysia team. Their presence underscored the conservation effort’s significance and its vital role in protecting Sabah’s rich biodiversity.

The journey took the guests through the heart of the Bagahak Ecological Corridor, where they enjoyed the breathtaking views from the peak of Anjung Tinjau Point. This vantage point offered a panoramic view of the lush landscape, a living testament to the ongoing conservation efforts in this vital wildlife corridor.

As part of Sawit Kinabalu Group’s commitment to giving back, the guests were also guided through a hands-on tree-planting activity, allowing them to contribute directly to the restoration and sustainability of this incredible ecosystem.

The visit concluded with a taste of local hospitality, as a delightful meal was prepared by the Bagahak 1 office team. This event was more than just a journey; it was an opportunity to connect with nature, contribute to conservation, and be part of a meaningful cause. We extend our deepest appreciation to WWF-Malaysia for their continued support and partnership in our conservation efforts.

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