Pongo Explorace in conjunction with the World Orangutan Day

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On August 17th, 2024, during the World Orangutan Day, five staff members from the Conservation & Biodiversity Unit (CBU) participated in the Pongo Explorace. This event was organized by the Malaysian Palm Oil Green Conservation Foundation (MPOGCF) in collaboration with the Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD).

The Pongo Explorace featured six teams from various sectors, including government agencies, plantations, community members, and non-governmental organizations. The race comprised of five missions, three of which took place at the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, with the remaining two at the Rainforest Skywalk and the Sepilok Community Recycling Education Center.

The primary goal of the race was to spread and deepen knowledge and experiences about environmental conservation, with a special focus on orangutan conservation. These activities are invaluable for enhancing our staff’s awareness, skill development, and capacity growth in their respective fields. We hope they gained a lot from this experience.

A huge thanks to MPOGCF and SWD for organizing such a fantastic race! And in case you were wondering, our team finished in fourth place in the Pongo Explorace!

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