Another Milestone for Sawit Kinabalu for Edible Bird Nest products

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NANTOU CITY, TAIWAN – Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd, through its subsidiary Edible Bird’s Nest Kinabalu Borneo Bird Nest Sdn Bhd, achieved a significant milestone on 30th June 2024, marking a pivotal moment in the expansion of Sabah’s Edible Bird’s Nest industry into Taiwan.

The occasion was commemorated with a tripartite Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) signing ceremony between Kinabalu Borneo Bird Nest Sdn. Bhd., Kinabalu Smile Farmers Sdn. Bhd., and Fudegen Co. Ltd. This collaboration sets a new pathway for Sabah’s Swiftlet Industry in the global market, particularly benefiting local swiftlet ranchers, many of whom are situated in rural Bumiputera areas.

The ceremony was attended by Mr. Awang Dzulkernain bin Awang Hassan, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Development) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry Sabah, and Dr. Hajah Normah Yusop, Director of Sabah Veterinary Services Department, saw the participation of key stakeholders. Representatives included Mr. Herry Teoh @ Chang Cheng for Fudegen Co. Ltd., Ms. Aster Lee for Kinabalu Smile Farmers Sdn. Bhd., and Mr. Khairul Azhan Othman for Kinabalu Borneo Bird Nest Sdn. Bhd.

The signing of the NDA signifies the first step towards formalising a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which underscores the commitment of all parties involved. Mr. Herry Teoh @ Chang Cheng expressed his optimism for the imminent realisation of the MoU which aims to introduce Taiwan’s discerning market to the finest Raw Cleaned Edible Bird’s Nest sourced from Sabah. He emphasized Sabah’s superior sialic content compared to other Bird’s Nest products available in Taiwan to envision a new segment for Premium Edible Bird’s Nest in the country. Furthermore, he highlighted the opportunity to showcase a variety of agricultural products from Sabah to Taiwanese consumers.

In conclusion, the diversification of Sawit Kinabalu Group’s business strategies has unlocked promising new market opportunities. The group’s commitment to innovative growth has resulted in significant strides in expanding their international footprint that reinforces their position as a key player in the global Edible Bird’s Nest industry.

(Source: Nigelvan Daniel, SKFP)

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