Sawit Kinabalu Group’s Noteworthy Presence at Sarawak AGROFEST 2024

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BINTULU, SARAWAK – Sawit Kinabalu Group has made a notable entrance onto the agricultural stage at Sarawak Agrofest 2024 (SAF 2024), held at the historic Old Airport Bintulu. From 12th July to 22nd July 2024, Sawit Kinabalu Group showcased a diverse array of products aimed at enhancing agricultural practices and fostering sustainable development across the region. Among the highlights were seedlings of durian and coconut, clonal material for bananas, state-of-the-art agricultural machinery including the Badang and EV models and specialized services such as agricultural lab analysis and ruminant feeds.

SAF 2024 drew an impressive crowd of over 450,000 visitors throughout its duration according to the Minister of Food Industry, Commodities, and Regional Development (M-FICORD), Dato Sri Dr. Stephen Rundi Utom. Sales figures soared beyond RM5 million, which reflects robust interest and investment in agricultural advancements and products.

In addition to showcasing their offerings through informative brochures and engaging banner displays, Sawit Kinabalu Group also took proactive steps in establishing connections with key stakeholders. Informal meetings were held with Pertubuhan Peladang Kawasan Bintulu and the Department of Agriculture (Biosecurity Division), laying the groundwork for future collaborations aimed at expanding their market reach within Sarawak.

SAF 2024 not only provided a platform for business and innovation but also featured a rich tapestry of cultural performances, workshops and seminars, enhancing the overall experience for attendees.

Looking ahead, Sawit Kinabalu Group remains optimistic about the potential to further integrate their products and services into Sarawak’s agricultural sector. This is to leverage the momentum gained from their successful debut at this prestigious event.

(Source by: Nadiah Abdullah, Agribusiness Marketing Unit)

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