28th Environmental Education Race (EE Race) at SPnCA

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Hi guys! Bah this year, the 28th Environmental Education Race (EE Race) has chosen Sg Pin Conservation Area (SPnCA) as one of the pits stops for their race together with KOPEL and Wild Asia site, this is our first time also as one of the co-organisers for this big event. For your information, the EE Race is a course with a race concept (Ala Amazing Race) to obtain information about the environment, through experiential learning. The Forestry Department, in collaboration with members of the Sabah Environmental Education Network (SEEN) and several private agencies, has organised 25 EE Race courses including three trials since 2006.

In 2011, in line with the implementation of the Heart of Borneo (HoB) Initiative, the race was improved to emphasise more on conservation issues within the HoB area.

The race aims to enhance and deepen the youth’s and teacher’s knowledge and experiences on the environment. The race is also designed to feature 80 % outdoor activities, participant-centred learning, group effort, and interesting environment-related assignments.

We had the opportunity to work with Team P, the overall Best Team led by Mr Mohd Fauzi Bin Jaini from Reef Check Malaysia, also the Best Overall Participant. In SPnCA, they had to complete 1 pre-assignment, and 2 main assignments with guidance from the Resource Persons.

Mr Mohd Fauzi Bin Jaini from Reef Check Malaysia

Well Done Team P for winning the overall best team and Mr. Mohd Fauzi Jaini for winning the best overall participants. We hope you all enjoyed and learned a lot from the assignments conducted at our site.

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