On the 12th July 2024, Ms Eyen Khoo, Head of Biotechnology Section, Forest Research Centre (FRC) together with the CBU team conducted the first vegetative data collection on the planted laran at SPnCA Forest Seed Garden Plot.

There were three (3) blocks with different types of progenies i.e. from Sg. Pin Conservation Area (Plot 1), Jawala Plantation Sdn Bhd (Plot 2) and Forest Research Centre (Plot 3). Girth and height are the two main indicator that was measured to determine the growth performance of the planted Laran and to be done for every six months. A soil compaction test was also conducted to determine the relationship between the moisture content and the dry density of soil for a specified compaction energy. This is important to compare the effects of different fertilizer application on the planted trees at Control, NPK and NPK 20%.

Thank you, Forest Research Centre (FRC) for assisting in the team 1st data collection at our FSG Plot.
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