UNDP FACS Team visit to SPnCA

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On 24th April 2024, Ms. Lee Ka Han, Project Manager for Sabah, UNDP Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei Darussalam headed the UNDP team visit to SPnCA together with Mr. Leif Pedersen, Senior Commodities Adviser cum GCP III Project Manager, UNDP Food and Agricultural Commodity Systems (FACS) and Ms. Maria Soledad Riestra, Lead Effective Collaborative Action (ECA) Advisor, UNDP FACS. The visit started with a sharing session by the Conservation & Biodiversity Unit (CBU) on the conservation initiatives undertaken at SPnCA followed by a short discussion. Afterward, the FACS Team had a short river cruise where they were lucky enough to see a group of the Proboscis Monkey, Long and Pig-Tailed Macque, and the White Bellied Eagle.

For your info, the UNDP FACS Team is on a mission to Malaysia from 23 – 26 April to organize the Green Commodities Programme (GCP) Phase III Inception Workshop and networking with national stakeholders to strengthen partnerships on sustainable commodity production and trade. The visit to SPnCA allows UNDP to engage with industry players who are promoting the sustainability of oil palm production and the conservation of nature.

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