CBU Team with FRC Team at the agroforestry plot at SPnCA, Kinabatangan.
A total of 6 researchers headed by Mdm Maria Ajik from the Forest Research Centre (FRC) of Sabah Forestry Department (SFD) visited Sg Pin Conservation Area (SPnCA) agroforestry plot at Sg Pin, Kinabatangan on the 23rd April 2024. It was the team’s first visit to the site to discuss the proposed collaboration with the Conservation & Biodiversity Unit (CBU) for the Agroforestry development. The visit started with an on-site briefing at the plot, followed by a discussion on the research objectives, plot designs, tree species selection and sources of seedlings, and monitoring work at the CBU’s office. Output from the collaboration will be useful, especially on Laran plantation development for the State. A Letter of Intent (LoI) will be prepared to seal the partnership in due course. We look forward to this exciting new collaboration with FRC.