Trial Ficus Planting Results

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On 5th April, Orang Juga represented by Mr Pravind and Ms Shahrifah shared with the team results from the Ficus Spp marcot planting on abandoned oil palms at Pongo Hill which was initiated in August 2023 in partnership also with the Forest Research Centre (FRC). A year after the trial, it was found that only 25.3% of the marcot survived. Out of the five (5) species of Ficus, survivorship numbers were highest for Ficus subcordata attached by the soil pocket method oriented to the east. Ficus subcordata was the only marcot prepared by FRC.

Results from the trial is useful for the Unit as we can then design and establish a protocol for Ficus planting on abandoned oil palm trees which then can be replicated to other areas. The session was followed with a site visit to record current data on the trial.






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