Stakeholder Consultation for SPnCA IUCN Green List

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The Conservation & Biodiversity Unit (CBU) organized a stakeholder consultation with its partners and Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT) on 04 April 2024 at CBU’s Office at Sg. Pin, Kinabatangan. The agencies/organisations involved were Sg. Pin Estate, Sabah Forestry Department (Kinabatangan), Sabah Wildlife Department (Kinabatangan), Orang Juga, KOPEL BHD, Krt Kg Batu Puteh Kinabatangan and KRT Kg. Mengaris. The main objectives of the meeting were to inform and share with the stakeholders about SPnCA Green List (GL) application and the way forward.

Outcomes from the positive discussions are essential for SPnCA Green List application as one of the indicators requires such consultation to be held. We hope the positive partnership built with our partners and stakeholders will continue beyond the GL. Thank you to our partners and the local communities for their continuous support to SPnCA management and for ensuring that SPnCA is conserved for future generations. The consultation was then followed by an Iftar session hosted by the Unit.






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