Borneo Demand Production Capturing Restoration Efforts

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On 21st to 22nd March 2024, Borneo Demand Production which was appointed by Beiersdorf AG Germany conducted a filming trip to capture the on-going restoration efforts to maintain wildlife connectivity between Tabin Wildlife Reserve and the Silabukan Forest Reserve at Bagahak 1 Estate in Lahad Datu.

The recorded footage will be used to produce 2 still films that will be showcased at the Beiersdorf Campus in Hamburg, Germany. Beiersdorf AG Germany were led by Mr Ruben Wolfgang Scupin (Senior Art Director), Mr. Lukas Funk (Account Manager), and Mr. Marlon Ole Jost (Senior Lead Manager Corporate Brand, WWF Malaysia-Sabah was also present and led by Dr. Faisal Mohd Noor during the visit.

The produced films are also to showcase the positive collaboration between Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd and WWF-Malaysia as well as the good work that has been achieved as a result of the collaboration. Sawit Kinabalu is grateful for the visit and would like to thank the visiting delegates from Beiersdorf AG Germany and for the continued support to the restoration initiative at Bagahak Corridor. We hoped that they had an insightful visit and have captured the essence of sustainable palm oil operations by Sawit Kinabalu.






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