Third Orangutan Bridge At Sg Pin

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As a continuous effort to provide a safe and reliable way for orangutans to cross the Sungai Pin River in Kinabatangan, the Conservation and Biodiversity Unit (CBU) led by Mr Blasius had assembled approximately 29.5 meters of orangutan bridge in collaboration with the HUTAN-Kinabatangan Orangutan Conservation Project team and Orang Juga representative, Mr. Pravind Segaran. A group of 11 people from both HUTAN and CBU were involved in assembling the orangutan bridge at HUTAN office at Sukau, Kinabatangan.

For information, this will be the third orangutan bridge to be installed at Sg Pin which aims to reconnect fragmented habitats and to allow orangutan to access the reconnected habitats. Besides, by reconnecting isolated populations which were originally linked together will ensure the long-term survival of not only the orangutans, but other unique species as well. The bridge will be installed once the water level at Sg Pin has reached the desirable levels.






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