Crocodile Safety Awareness Partnership

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As part of the Unit long-term working partnership with the Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) in Kinabatangan and to support their initiatives on spreading awareness to the general public on the danger of crocodile attacks in Kinabatangan, the Unit handed over eight pieces of crocodile awareness signboards that will be installed at identified Hot Spot areas along the Kinabatangan River. The hotspot areas were identified through the newly established State Task Force on Preventing Crocodile Conflict.

Puan Rashidah Maqbool, the Unit Conservation Executive representing the Unit Manager handing over the signboards to Puan Sylvia Alsisto Kinabatangan Wildlife Officer at SWD Office in Bukit Garam, Kinabatangan. This is the second batch of signage handed over the year to SWD and it’s a showcase of Sawit Kinabalu’s commitment to assist conservation and wildlife issues within Kinabatangan. Apart from that, the Unit also handed over five (5) pieces of the Unit 2024 Calendar to Puan Sylvia.





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