Ecotourism Partnership CBU – Kopel Bhd

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Ecotourism is a tourism that centers around awareness of the environment and the local community. It plays an important role in contributing to the conservation of natural areas and biodiversity. The Conservation and Biodiversity Unit that manages the SPnCA, we provide exciting and thrilling lists of adventure and activities such as hiking within the Bukit Mansuli, observation of artificial hornbill nests, observation of Orang Utan Bridges, River Cruise and Tree Planting among others.

Since the beginning of February 2024, our Hiking Trail activity had attracted a total of 17 tourists from around the world including Poland, France, Italy, China and Canada which is brought in by our conservation partner KOPEL BHD. The 1.58km trek along the nature trail with 3 check points in Bukit Mansuli, Kinabatangan inspired them to experience the diversity of the flora and fauna where towering Dipterocarp trees is still abundant.


Nevertheless, there are also local Malaysian visitors that visited our site mainly for hiking activities as well.

Thanks to KOPEL BHD for sharing our site with your visitors and indirectly help to promote our site to the wider conservation enthusiasts.




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