Frame, Shoot, Share: A Practical Workshop on Mobile Photography and Videography

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In today’s smartphone-dominated era, the Sawit Kinabalu Conservation and Biodiversity Unit (CBU) joined hands with Nilecraft Global Sdn Bhd to organize a two-day training called “Mobile Photography and Videography.” The aim was simple: empower 12 participants from the Sawit Kinabalu CBU with the knowledge and skills to capture and create compelling visual content using their mobile phones.

The training brought together industry experts and enthusiasts. With a focus on conservation and biodiversity, the organizers curated a program that aimed to educate and inspire participants to make the most out of their mobile devices.

Encik Udey Ismail (left) and Encik Munzir Fauzi (right) from Nilecraft Global Sdn Bhd

Leading the training were Encik Munzir Fauzi and Encik Udey Ismail, both well-regarded in their fields. Their combined experience ensured that participants received practical guidance throughout the program.

Over two days, participants delved into a comprehensive learning experience. Day 1 covered the theoretical and practical aspects of mobile photography and videography, providing participants with the basics to enhance their content creation skills. On Day 2, a hands-on group assignment challenged participants to apply their knowledge in a real-world setting.

The first day commenced with in-depth theoretical discussions on fundamental concepts of photography and videography. Participants gained valuable insights into composition, lighting, framing, and storytelling elements essential for creating impactful visuals. The importance of understanding the capabilities of mobile phone cameras and utilizing available features was also emphasized.

Photography theory session by Encik Munzir Fauzi

Following the theory sessions, participants engaged in hands-on exercises to apply the learned principles. Practical sessions involved capturing various subjects, experimenting with angles, and exploring the potential of mobile phone cameras. Participants received personalized feedback on their work, fostering a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

On the second day, participants were challenged with a group assignment focused on creating a video showcasing activities and interesting places around the CBU Office. This practical exercise aimed to reinforce the concepts learned on Day 1 and encourage teamwork and creativity.

Participants were divided into groups, each responsible for planning, shooting, and editing their video. They applied the principles discussed on Day 1 to effectively tell a visual story. The assignment not only honed their technical skills but also encouraged collaboration and communication within the teams.

The groups presented their final videos, reflecting a diverse range of perspectives and creative approaches. The videos captured the essence of CBU’s activities and highlighted the beauty of the surrounding environment. The session concluded with a constructive critique session, providing participants with valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

The “Mobile Photography and Videography” training program emerged as a holistic learning experience, blending theory and practice to equip participants with the skills needed to excel in the dynamic field of mobile content creation. By fostering collaboration and hands-on application, the training not only empowered participants but also contributed to the conservation and biodiversity efforts championed by the Sawit Kinabalu CBU. As participants returned to their roles, they carried with them a newfound confidence and proficiency in leveraging mobile technology to tell impactful visual stories.

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