The Final Acceptance Test and End User Training for the ConserveByU Portal Project were held from the 15th to the 17th of January 2024 at the Sawit Kinabalu Conservation Information Office at Sungai Pin, Kinabatangan.

The training session, headed by Associate Professor Dr Shahreen Kasim as the Project Leader and Dr Mohd Yazid bin Abu Sari from UTHM, was primarily to prepare the ConserveByU team for the launch of the tree planting portal this year.

13 team members from the CBU and two trainers from MZR Group, Encik Syafwan Arshad and Cik Nur Zahirah Afiqah Zafri Azran, went through the system demo and hands-on system usage for Admin, Nursery Supervisor, and Planters on day 1 of the training.
On day 2, the training session commenced with the on-site system usage at the tree planting area and training for external participants to purchase the trees via the portal. The external participants were Cik Dayang Nurfaezah Datu Kassim (Regional Office Sandakan), Cik Misrah Marselus (Regional Office Sandakan), Encik Herman Sajid (Regional Office Sandakan), and Encik Nigel Marudin (Regional Office Lahad Datu).