Sabah Launches Sayang Cooking Oil

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KOTA KINABALU (Oct 26): The State Government through the Sawit Kinabalu Group launched Sabah’s very own brand of cooking oil “Sayang”, an initiative to make the commodity more accessible and affordable to the people.

“The Government is always sensitive to the needs of the people in view of the cooking oil supply shortage and high price lately,” said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Noor who is also Chairman of the Sawit Kinabalu Group at the soft launching of the product at Anjung Selera, Likas on Wednesday.


“This is something that the people have been waiting for and it is in line with the State Government’s aspiration to assist the people in getting affordable cooking oil,” he said.

Sayang cooking oil is manufactured by Sawit Kinabalu’s subsidiary company, Kunak Edible Oil Sdn Bhd (KEOSB).

Available in 1kg, 2kg and 5kg bottles, the high-quality cooking oil is priced much cheaper than other non-subsidised cooking oil brands in the market.

The non-subsidised cooking oil price (2kg) is RM13.20 while it is RM31.00 for the 5kg bottle.

The price for the subsidised cooking oil would be standard which is RM2.50 per kilogram, he said.

Hajiji said Sawit Kinabalu’s monthly production capacity is 150 tonnes for subsidised cooking oil and 100 tonnes for non-subsidised cooking oil.

“I hope this will eliminate the issue of cooking oil shortage in the market,” he said, adding that the cooking oil will be made available throughout Sabah.

Meanwhile, Sawit Kinabalu Group Managing Director Datuk Bacho Jansie said KEOSB will work with local companies such as Sthamin Supermarket and several other marketing agents to market the cooking oil.

Sawit Kinabalu through another subsidiary company, Kunak Refinery Sdn Bhd will also be supplying subsidised cooking oil (1kg packet) to the people in the state.

Earlier, the Chief Minister went on an impromptu walkabout to greet and distribute the Sayang cooking oil to food hawkers operating at Anjung Selera.

Also present were Deputy Sawit Kinabalu Chairman, Datuk Rubin Balang; State Secretary, Datuk Seri Panglima Sr Safar Untong; Sedcovest Holdings General Manager, Amir Karim; Sthamin Managing Director, Busthamin Haji Paita and Sawit Kinabalu Group board members.

News Credit: The Borneo Post

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