Activity Report From PONGO Alliance Works In The Kinabatangan Region

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In creating a better habitat for wildlife in Sawit Kinabalu conservation areas and making connectivity for orangutans across Sg. Pin, PONGO Alliance, and Sawit Kinabalu have joined forces and conducted the activity of building orangutans’ bridges, the event was held from the 21st – the 23rd of October 2019.

This is one of the key activities that support PONGO Alliance’s mission to create a Human and Orangutan Coexistence Landscape in Kinabatangan, Sabah. The objective of the orangutan bridges is to restore natural connectivity across tributaries.


The bridges will create connectivity that will support male orangutan travel between forested conservation areas where female orangutans live. This activity is also supported by a habitat enrichment effort in conservation areas to provide appropriate forest food for wildlife.

PONGO Alliance advocating for effective conservation through collaboration with Sawit Kinabalu, to communicate conservation effectively to create a paradigm shift in both agriculture and conservation practice together.

For more information on Pongo Alliance, visit

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